Friday, August 23, 2019

Losing Weight and Falling Forward

falling forward image

Making mistakes is okay, it’s part of being a less than perfect human, and more importantly it’s also the way that we learn!

Yes, every mistake is a learning opportunity from which we can grow and become more determined.

However, what happens for the majority of people when the make a dietary or weight loss mistake is that they FALL BACK, get depressed and feel ashamed of themselves and their high hopes are finished and they quickly go back to old poor-quality eating habits really quickly.

Not just for the rest of that day, but the next also, and the one after that as well.

Good intentions finished, and regrouping from such disappointments can take time to get over, they do me anyway.

Sad, but how most people look at weight loss!

So, what do I mean by falling forward?

Never let things get this bad! SERIOUSLY!

Let’s image that you have a moment of weakness and eat something which is not on your plan. It happens, in fact, it happened to me just today that I had a moment of weakness and overate at a time I would usually.

I could have gone into a downer, and in the past,  I wouldn’t have, but I realised I could use the mistake to get stronger and make sure that the same mistake didn’t happen again, I fell forward rather than letting a small weight loss mistake grow into something much larger.

You can do the same, so consider this simple wisdom carefully.

To discover more about the unconventional knowledge that will lead you to the perfect size you have always dreamed of becoming, go to




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